Types of SEO (search engine optimisation)

with more than thousands of demands of students in 2020 I am talking about the types of SEO.


What is SEO?
Search Engine Optimisation SEO here means. whatever you are doing online with your business with your blogs or with anything else which is online and you are optimizing it according to the Google algorithm that is SEO. there are various types of SEO that I am going to cover in this article one by one.

Types of SEO

there are three types of SEO which determine your page rankings I will tell you one by one all the three aspects of the types of SEO.

Technical SEO
Off-page SEO
On-page SEO


What is Technical SEO

It is very much important to rank on Google search results that are technical SEO . it is something that I want to explain you by the help of examples that if you are doing technical SEO for your website then what you should do or what is required to do for technical SEO. I am going to mention you all the steps which are required for the better ranking purpose by the help of technical SEO

01 Specify a preferred domain
02 optimize robots.txt
03 optimize your URL structure
04 site structure and navigation
05 breadcrumbs menus
06 apply structured data and markup
07 Canonical URL
08 optimize 404 page
09 XML sitemap Optimisation
10 SSL and https
11 website speed
12 mobile-friendliness.
13 accelerated Mobile pages
14 pagination and multilingual website
15 register your site with the Webmaster tool.

The second type of SEO is on-page SEO.


On-page SEO . let me define that what is on-page SEO . on-page SEO is whatever you are working on your website on your dashboard that is on-page SEO. there are multiple things which determine the ranking factors by the help of on-page SEO.

Outbound links
internal links
the key phrase in subheading
phrase length
keyphrase in introduction
keyphrase phrase density
keyphrase in the meta description
keyphrase in previously used
image alt attributes
text length
keyphrase in title
Keyphrase title width
Keyphrase in slug

When we talk about the SEO score in readability. then there are multiple factors that I am going to mention you below which determines the ranking factor of the page of your website.

Subheading distribution.
Transition word.
Flesch reading age.
Passive voice.
Consecutive sentence.
Paragraph length.
Sentence length.
These are some matrix which is very important for the ranking factors of your page are your business whatever you want to to put forward on Google top result.

off-page SEO

let me tell you about off-page SEO. it is one of the most important type of seo. which determines the rankings of your website. in off-page SEO basically whatever you do in offline mode for your website that is of pages what are the things required I am going to mention you down.

you will have to create backlinks.


now the question will be arised inside your mind.

what is backlinks

backlinks are the links that are interconnected with another website with industry specified domain . a specified means suppose your website is from education background there must be backlinks of your website with educational website

Remember one thing when you start making backlinks there must be a qualitative backlinks Google sees the quality backlinks.

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